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A Closer Look at the Journey to Finding Health

On the journey to health one of the hardest things you will have to decide is: What does being Healthy really mean to you? Is it all about size, shape and appearance (the outside) or (the inside) what you eat, how you feel, etc.? Well truth be told it should be about all of those things. Are we truly healthy if we look amazing on the outside but we hide pain, sadness, stress, loneliness or other ailments on the inside? What if we have a healthy inside, a good mindset except, that we hate the way we look. To truly be healthy we have to look at many aspects of our lives and take the time to balance them all out.

A well rounded life will bring you closer to health than any fad diet, medication or any other kind of "band-aid" we try to use to piece our lives together. Are there some area's above that you need to work on? Take some time to write down where you are in each category, see what could use some work. Don't get discouraged here be respectful of yourself. Remember the way you talk to yourself effects how you feel and behave. Now that you have a better understanding of where you are, focus on clearly defining to yourself where you want to be. This whole process requires you to be honest. Only you truly know what is going to make you happy, whole.....healthy.

Our bodies are incredibly amazing organisms the know what we need to function and they will try to get it by sending us clues. Sometimes we crave meat, could be your iron levels are low. Sometimes we crave dairy, could be our Vitamin D is low. Sometimes we crave alone time, could be your over working yourself. Sometimes we crave companionship, could be you are feeling lonely or unwanted. Just take time to be still and listen to your body and what it needs. I promise it will tell you.

Now that you have focused on clearly defining where you are and where you want to be, start taking some steps towards accomplishing these goals. Maybe today you drink a glass of water in place of your second coffee, tea or soda. Maybe today you say "no" to someone instead of overbooking yourself. Maybe today you have some fruit with your breakfast and a side salad with your lunch. Maybe today you reach out to that friend or family member you have really been missing. Maybe, just maybe, today you eat that chocolate bar. Honor yourself where you are today. Your journey begins where you are, not where you long to be.

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