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You Will Reach Your Destiny

"He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it." - Philippians 1:6

This verse resonates strongly with me tonight as the realization of starting my own business if coming to fruition. As I sit here writing this, I cannot help but be overwhelmed with gratitude for all of the struggles, obstacles and numerous blessings over the past year and half that lead me here. Honestly, if you had asked me 10 years ago what I would be doing today I don't think I would have ever imagined that I would be starting my own business. Heck in high school I though I had my whole college career planned out. In fact, I thought then I had my whole life planned out in my head. Well I am here to tell you that when you are trying "plan your life" without God, He has a way of showing you can't.

College was not at all what I expected. I quickly realized that being an Elementary Teacher was not for me which, was okay. But then what? I was lost. I was really good at a lot of things but I feel like that had more to do with the work ethic my parents instilled in me growing up. No matter what the job was I poured my heart into it. Anytime my work involved helping people I always felt more fulfilled than I did in monotonous positions. My calling has always been to help others (even when I wasn't listening to it). I think this comes from a rough start in life that humbled me and created a since of deep compassion and empathy towards others. To see someone else suffering hurts me to my core. Sometimes that is not an easy gifting to carry but I think will continue to serve me well as pursue my destiny.

On my own journey pursuing healing and health, both physically and spiritually God opened my eyes and my heart to His plan for my life. While searching to heal my body I discovered a love of nutrition. This was never really something I dwelt on prior to this. I was absolutely fascinated with the overwhelming amount of information regarding food in regards to nourishment. For me it was truly like seeing my own body from a different light. I continuously feeling the nudge for me to go deeper with this new found passion. I decided to take a leap of faith and go back to school (an area I thought I would never return to) for Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching. It wasn't easy. I work, am a wife and a mother. Where in the heck was I going to find the time to do this much less work it into the budget. Well let's not forget who was on my side. He always makes a way! I am proof of that today.

Wait, He wasn't done with me. I had a 13 year love affair with Yoga and dream to one day own my own studio and be an instructor. Except for the fact that I loathed the idea of having to speak in front of others and had zero confidence. One day the door opened for me to take a teaching course so I thought why not. During this time, it became very clear to me that bringing my Faith into my Yoga sessions would forever change my life and the life of those I would teach. I could clearly see the path God was leading me down. It is both exciting and intimidating.

After a long road, I sit here tonight a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Yoga Instructor. I have created my own company, Breaking Free Wellness. In the morning I go to Heart Peace Counseling to sign some paperwork and get the keys to my new office. I am working out the details for the space I will be renting for Yoga classes and will hopefully have that all worked out in the next few days as well. I have created my own website connected to a few social media sites along with this blog ready to launch tonight. I am in awe of how listening to the tugging at my heart has brought me to the calling God has on my life. I would be lying if I said I am not scared but I will stand firmly in faith and follow Him.

God Bless you all and good night!

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